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Competency Courses

i.   MEO Class I (2 months Preparatory Course) – Course Id – 3231
ii.  MEO Class II (4 months Preparatory Course) – Course Id – 3211
iii. MEO (CEO-NCV) – (2 months Preparatory Course) – 3232
iv. MEO (SEO-NCV) Part A – (2 months Preparatory Course) – Course Id – 3212
v.  MEO (SEO-NCV) Part B – (4 months Preparatory Course) – Course Id – 3213
vi. MEO Class IV (NCV)  – (4 months Preparatory Course) – Course Id – 3112

Modular Courses

vii.  Diesel Engine Gas Combustion Simulator for MEO Class I (ERS I) – 3 days – Course Id- 3241
viii. Engine Room Simulator Management Level for MEO Class II (ERS II) – 5 days – Course Id – 3221
ix.   Engine Room Simulator Operational Level for MEO Class IV (ERS IV) – 3 days – Course Id – 3121
x.    Refresher Updating Training Course for all Engineers (RUCE )- 3 days – Course ID – 1118
xi.   Basic Training for Ships using Fuels covered within IGF code Course I – (5 Days) – Course Id – 5311
xii.  Advanced Trg. for Ships using Fuels covered within IGF code- (5 Days) – Course Id – 5312
xiii.  Assessment, Examination and Certification of Seafarers – (11 Days) – Course Id – 1062
xiv.  Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (LGT) (A) – Course Id – 512
xv.   Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (LGT) B – 75

Value Added Courses

i.  Familiarisation Training Course For Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Tanker Operations (Online)

Course Schedule

Course Schedule



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