IME(I) Goa conducted a technical meet on 17th October, 2019 at the IMEI House, Goa.
Shri. Dilip Mehrotra, Secretary IOMOU and ex-President, IMEI, presented a paper on “PORT STATE CONTROL, FINDINGS AND DETECTION TRENDS “.

Shri. Mehrotra started with explaining setting up of different Port state control MOUs, and why they were required. He explained what is Flag State control and what is Port State control. He dwelled on how in spite of Flag state control inspections , there were many ships detected by Port state control inspectors which were not seaworthy, so called RUST BUCKETS. He explained that finally the detention of a ship depends on logical judgment of the Inspector. The ship owner has the right to appeal against the order of detention. The order can be reversed if found erroneous by a committee. Mr. Mehrotra then showed the trends of various faults detected during the inspections by different port state controls / MOUs.

It was a very interesting and informative presentation well appreciated by the members of IMEI, CMMI and the IMS cadets.